AddressTwo is a Small Business CRM that's Simple and Easy to Use.

Your Sales Pipeline Made Simple

At a glance, see your open opportunities, quantify your sales pipeline, and hold yourself and others accountable to sales goals.

When asked, "what deals are you working on?" An answer shouldn't be too difficult to give. But, all too often in small business, that answer is more difficult than you might imagine. Without a simple CRM system in place to manage contacts, stay in touch with contacts, and track open opportunities small businesses struggle to maintain even the most basic vital signs for their company.

  • Track active sales opportunities, probability of closing the sale, and deal size.
  • Be reminded to follow up with opportunites that may be going cold.
  • View sales forecasts for individuals, groups, and the entire company.
CRM Contact Manager Reporting from your CRM CRM with Email Marketing Mobile CRM CRM Activity Tracking Tasks & Reminders CRM with Direct Mail


I have used many CRMs and finally one that is simple and does all I need without way too many complicated fields. AddressTwo has really helped maintain communication with our clients and the campaigns are incredible as well. Very simple, very user-friendly, and AddressTwo listens to their customers. Simple, effective, economical... this CRM is a Small Business owners right hand.

AddressTwo is not only a great way to help me keep in touch with my growing contact base, its also a great tool that helps me measure progress, track sales, and watch leads become clients.I also like that A2 is also an expandable system via its API, which lends itself well to the way my business helps organizations connect systems and integrate them in ways that create true value for all of those involved.

Throughout my career I have implemented and utilized a variety of CRM tools. While they all handled the basic functionality effectively, they were difficult to utilize.AddressTwo is simple and intuitive. I highly recommend it to the small business owner or entrepreneur.

AddressTwo is the best CRM system that I have used. More importantly Nick and his team have always been great. They are responsive, knowledgeable and have always been there to support me. I can without hesitation recommend AddressTwo!

Frustrated with other CRM Systems?